
H10X PTFE ™ Coating for Lead Screws

H10X PTFE ™ Coating for Lead Screws

Helix PTFE H10X Lead Screw Coating is a fluoropolymer-based coating combined with specially formulated resins to provide a tough, durable film for dry lubrication. OUr testing has proven that using the H10X coating extends the life of our plactic lead screw nuts buy a factor of 10.   Our proprietary PTFE lead screw coating is ideal for use in clean environments where additional lubricants are not an option, including; medical, semiconductor, electronic, and high precision environments.

This permanent coating can be added to any Helix Linear lead screw or acme screw, even if you don't require a clean environment. Our coating increases efficiency by up to 6 points. The coefficient of friction reduces to .08 static and .09 dynamic compared to the value of .15 without the coating.


What makes Helix PTFE H10X lead screw and Acme screw coating different? 

1. Durability

Our coating is precision sprayed and cured in-house at 600 degrees, giving it incredible durability. The film components stratify during the curing process, retaining the fluoropolymer properties (such as low-coefficient of friction and non-stick characteristics).

Helix PTFE H10X™ Lead Screw and Acme screw coating holds firm during handling and installation and is not susceptible to flaking, chipping, denting, or peeling associated with soft coatings. It is designed to stay on the screw threads for the product's lifetime, and there is no particulate transfer from the screw to the nut.

The durability of our lead screw coating doesn't stop in mechanical handling. Helix PTFE H10X™ offers excellent abrasion and salt spray resistance. Plus, our proprietary blend does not react, form paste, or strip off the coating in applications requiring additional lubrication. It is highly compatible with multiple greases and cutting fluids.

2. Visibility

You can see our coating, and that's on purpose. The dark color offers high contrast against the screw material and allows you to visually inspect thread coating adherence, giving you visual evidence that it's doing its job.

3. Affordability

The cost to add the coating is minimal, and the benefits are significant. By creating a low friction surface layer between the screw and nut threads with Helix PTFE H10X™, you extend the life of the lead screw and nut combination up to 10 times its typical life cycle. These benefits equal less maintenance, reduced labor, no additional lubrication material costs, and more time between replacements.

Contact us today to speak with a Helix Linear Technologies project engineer about using PTFE H10X™ in your next lead screw or acme screw project.