
Helix Launches Stepper Motor Linear Actuator Calculators

Stepper motor linear actuator calculators

Simply put, we love mechanical engineers. We welcome your questions, ideas, and unique projects. Whether you want to work independently on your linear motion project or get the advice of our industry-leading in-house engineers, Helix Linear Technologies is here to help so we've created an Engineering Toolbox for Stepper Actuators.


Helix Linear Technologies has worked to provide our mechanical engineering customers with cutting-edge tools to make that linear motion project calculations and modeling faster, easier, and more efficient.  In addition to our free lead screw linear motion engineering calculators, we are happy to announce the launch of our new stepper motor calculators.  You’ll now be able to calculate torque, winding, inertia, electrical, revolution, distance, and speed with ease.

Once your calculations are complete, select your linear motion product and build a 2D or 3D solid model of your stepper motor linear actuator.  At Helix Linear,  you’ll have the ability to virtually create and customize linear motion components that fit your specific project needs. Once your part build is complete, download the project files you need. Our custom CAD configurator system allows you to generate .pdf datasheets along with complete CAD files in dozens of file formats, including PARTJAVA, SVG, SOLIDWORKS, AIS, DGW, and STEP.

Please view our complete offering of mechanical engineering tools, including material reference guides, CAD configurations, and engineering calculators.